Discover the arc of your motherhood journey

MotherCircle is an 8 circle gathering in Chico, CA for mothers who want to understand the unseen arc of their motherhood journey and move into greater clarity and wisdom within a supportive community.

Are you committed to living into a new archetype of womanhood and motherhood but unsure about what that looks like?

Do you need more support than you’ve ever needed but have less support available to you? 

Are you still healing from your birth, loss, and/or early motherhood experiences and not sure what to do?

Connect with a community of fierce mamas wrestling with many of the same big questions, challenges, struggles and triumphs.

MotherCircle is for…

  • Mothers with children of all ages

  • Pregnant mothers

  • Women who want to become mothers

  • Women who have come to motherhood in all capacities- birth, adoption, fostering, etc.

  • Women who have experienced pregnancy release and/or loss

  • Mothers who desire community with other mothers and wish to explore meaningful topics and motherhood wisdom

  • Mothers looking to live into a new narrative and redefine motherhood on their own terms

  • Women who care for mothers. (Childbirth educators, Birthworkers, Midwives, birth and postpartum doulas, OBGYNs, Lactation consultants, L&D nurses, Prenatal and postpartum yoga teachers, and any woman in the healing field)

Circle gathering details

  • 8 Tuesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm

    • March 26th

    • April 2nd

    • April 16th

    • April 23rd

    • May 7th

    • May 14th

    • May 28th

    • June 4th

  • $280 (includes all 8 circle gatherings)

  • Location: Chico Holistic Wellness Center

    287 Rio Lindo Ave.

  • Please note: This space is meant solely for mama, and childcare is not provided. However, new babies in arms are welcome and loved on.

  • Contact Natalie with questions at or 530-5182171

Each week includes an intimate gathering with meditations, exercises, and discussion with like-hearted women.

What will the circles cover?

Entering motherhood is an underworld journey often not seen and recognized by the outer world. Learn the arc of this journey, the tools to be present to it, and be witnessed as you locate yourself within it.

Awareness of our cyclical nature can help us align with our innate wisdom as mothers.. Explore how being in rhythm with the cycles in and around us gives us more access to our wholeness and our power.

Everything a new baby needs, a new mother also needs. Learn a powerful framework for assessing your physical and emotional wellness, and how to tend to what’s needed in your body no matter where you are at in your motherhood journey.

The predator - prey dynamic is present in our experience of birth and motherhood. Explore how this awareness and understanding of your nervous system can impact your everyday life and mothering.

There is often a split between being a mother and being sexual. Learn how to connect with your ever changing sexuality as a mother and become more at home in your body and your sexuality.

Birth is an initiatory experience that fundamentally changes us. We’ll explore ways to access and share this experience that locates the wisdom that it has to offer for our motherhood journeys.

Motherhood changes how we relate to our work in the world. Explore the relationship between your worth and your value and anchor the things that nurture your worth as part of your mothering practice.

We have a powerful opportunity to imagine the legacy we’d like to leave. We are shaped by our motherline and the mothers around us, and we can choose what we want to carry forward. Together we’ll Identify the values that we want to guide our mothering and shape our lineage


Natalie Zeno Truscott

Mother, Social Worker, Wellness Counselor, mental health advocate, and long time restorative circle facilitator.

Natalie has been professionally serving those in her community for over a decade. Her work is profoundly influenced by her identity as a mother, which has made her a more empathetic and vulnerable person. Natalie holds two Master's degrees- in Social Work from Portland State University and in Sociology from the University of Cape Town, and a Bachelor's degree in International Conflict Resolution.

As a certified MotherCircle Facilitator, she is grateful to bring this offering to Chico, the town she was born in. She hopes that mothers may circle together to receive support as they navigate this journey and integrate their experiences of becoming mothers.

“Mother wellness is community wholeness”

— Kimberly Ann Johnson